Vi leier ut out hassle excursion kajakker med ror. Dette er71 grader nord kajakken, norske kajakker for norske forhold og velegnet til å padle Telemarkskanalen! Hasle Excursion 500 er en nyutviklet kajakk fra den norske kajakkprodusenten Hasle. Det spesielle med denne kajakken er at de har klart å lage en kvalitetsmessig meget god kajakk som kun veier 23 Kg!!! Dette er markedets letteste kajakk i sin klasse.
Det finnes 2 bagage rom og i tillegg er det et lite lok til mobilen. Sete kan justeres.
Pris per dag : 450 NOk / Day
No refund is allowed.
We rent out 2 kinds of canoes: The Mad River canoes are stable, with good speed and storage for longer trips on bigger water.
This is a near perfect versatile canoe that offers a welcoming and durable design for adventurers, sportsmen, and families or any combination thereof.
The spacious 167 is versatile and stable, with good speed and capacity for longer trips on bigger water with bigger loads yet also paddles very well when unloaded.
Our second option is Esquif Presage canoes.They are suitable for recreational and wilderness paddling noted for its stability and speed. Its design guarantees that no matter which kind of water you prefer, the Presage is the ideal canoe for the whole family.
Price: 450 NOk / Day
No refund is allowed.
Transport Back
For the transport back , you can take one of the canal boats : Henrik Ibsen or Victoria. Depending on witch day you choose to send the canoe or kayak back towards Dalen. To paddle the whole Telemarkscanal you need to calculate about 5 days. However most people paddle up to Ulefoss you can choose your pick up point at al quays where the canal boats passing.
In addation to the canalboat transport back you can choose your own pick up point on request. We can transport max up to 10 canoe/ Kayaks at one time.
With the canal boats, the price for transport 1 canoe/kayak is the same from all pick up points:
225 Nok.
Click here the link below to find the time schedule .